Valheim Has Sold Over One Million Copies In Its First Week On Steam

Valheim has already surpassed one million sales in its first week on Steam Early Access. The PvE exploration and survival game is set in a procedurally generated purgatory inspired by Viking culture. Up to 10 players can populate a single server to raise mead halls and farms, forge weapons and armor, build and sail ships, and defeat primordial bosses of myth and legend. Valheim has been an early hit right out of the gate, with a peak of 160,000 concurrent users and over 127,000 peak viewers on Twitch. Developer Iron Gate Studio says it's hard at work addressing some of the issues players have reported since the game's launch on February 2. The studio also has plans for the next year of Early Access, though details are relatively sparse right now. Valheim's roadmap promises four significant updates throughout 2021, along with some other bonuses "If Odin wills it." The first, titled Hearth and Home, will presumably focus on home customisation and fortification, while Ships and the Sea will improve the game's sailing. Cult of the Wolf is more mysterious, and the final update of the year will introduce a new biome.Continue Reading at GameSpot
