World of Warcraft Classic is currently plagued... with massive queue times

The lead up to World of Warcraft’s Wrath of the Lich King Classic launch is well underway, with pre-patch servers up and running for close to a week now. This, in theory, lets players jump in and gear up a new character in preparation for our adventure to the frozen north, but humongous queue times across several servers have made this difficult for some players to get their adventure started in earnest. This issue is affecting two types of servers present in Classic WoW. The first are the long-standing servers that have maintained a large population since Classic first launched back in 2019, like Grobbulus in the EU region. However, newly-created Fresh servers are also suffering. These new servers allow everyone to start playing totally empty-handed with others, without inflated economies or pre-existing fortunes muddying things. Frustration and a healthy amount of joking around the topic can be found in heaps. Looking at the Classic WoW Reddit, numerous posts from players expressing their doomer outlook on the situation are present, listing out exorbitant queue times for their chosen servers, as well as some taking the plunge into less popular servers in order to kick their levelling journey into gear. Read more
